·What isa bulb? An incandescent light bulb,is a device thatproduces lightbyJoule heatingof ametallic filament, particularlyoftungsten,toputat white,by passingelectric current. ·How it works?
·The Inventor. American inventorThomasEdisonlived and workedall his lifein the UnitedStates.It was themost productiveinventorof all time.Patented1,903inventions, includingtheincandescentlamp(similartothe light bulbwe usetoday)and the phonograph.Alsoimproved thefilm projector.Fundoalsothe firstindustrial research laboratory.
Volleyball,is a sport wheretwo teams faceon aplainfieldseparated bya central network,trying to pass theball overthe net to theground of the opponents.The ball canbe touched ordrivenwithclean shots, but can notbe stopped,held,retainedor accompanied.Each team hasa limited number ofhits to returnthe ballto the opposite field.Usually theballis hit withhandsand arms, butalsowith anyother body part.One ofthe most peculiar characteristicsof volleyballis thatplayers have tobe rotatingtheir positionsas theyearn points.
The playing field
Theplayingfield wherevolleyballis arectangle measuring 18m long and9 meterswide,divided intoits centerlineby a networkthat separates thetwo teams.Actuallythe game isalso on the outside,in the free zone,provided thatthe balldoes not touchground or any otheritem.The free zonemust be atleast 3m,asin international competitionsis increased to 5monthe sidelinesand 8mforthelines.The free spaceonthe track musthave a minimum heightof 7mininternational competitionsupto 12.5m. A 3mof the network,one linein each fielddefinesthe frontcourt,are restrictedzone wherethe actions of theplayers who arecurrently indefensive roles(backsandsweeper).These linesextendoutside thefield withdashed lines,and limitingprojectsrepresentingequallyall along the line,even beyondthelines drawn.Alllines are 5cm wide.
María Lucía Sánchez Benítez, known artisticallyasMalu, born in Madrid on March 15th 1982. Belonging toa family of artists, Maluwas bornsurrounded bytalent, art and music. Itnieceof the famousguitaristPaco deLuciaand daughter ofsinger Pepede Lucía,because of thishavingto flamencogrewverypresent in your home. He began his careerat age 15, with the main objectiveto avoid goingto schoolwithoutgreat expectationsto the worldof music.Malucurrentlytakes 15years in themusic world, with over thirteenalbums releasedto market. His discographyconsists of thirteenalbums releasedon the marketand onein the makingthat will bringlater thisyear.
The biggestchallenge of lifeis to live
Discografía: 1998:Aprendiz 1999:Cambiarás 2001:Esta vez 2003:Otra Piel 2004:Por una vez 2005:Malú 2006:Desafío 2007:Gracias 2009:Vive 2010:Guerra Fría 2011:Íntima Guerra Fría 2012:Esencial 2012: Dual
It's myfavoritesingerbecausehis songscan expressmoments whenpeople canfindusuallynot only speaksof love. It isonlybythe singing, byher voiceandeverything he sayshis lyrics. Excited, makes me laugh,is able tomake peoplesupport ontheir music andhelpto advanceanydifficult situation, his music istherapy.
Santa María de Guíacommonly known asGuía, is aSpanishmunicipalitylocated inthe province of LasPalmas(Canary Islands). It is locatednorth ofthe island of GranCanaria. It has an areaof 42km², and a population of14,069inhabitants.Its population densityis 330inh. /Km². The average altitudeof the townis 180meters abovesea level.